
Seedling Update

Good morning friends, I have excellent news. Pretty much all of our seeds have sprouted into seedlings! They are growing nicely and are overall doing really well. To be entirely honest they are doing better than I had expected. (After last year’s container garden experiment failures my faith in my plant nurturing abilities was a bit low).


The peppers and tomatoes are quickly outgrowing their 9 oz cups and will soon be transferred into solo cups. I think next year I am just going to go ahead and start the seeds in the solo cups to begin with. That should in theory save time (it seems like there is so much to do this time of year) and the solo cups are a bit nicer to work with than these cheaper cups. Does anybody else get satisfaction from a sturdy or seemingly heavy duty item? I know I do. Not that a solo cup is “heavy duty” but you catch my drift.


The weather has been beautiful pretty much all of last week so I have been taking the plants out to enjoy it. The first few days I set them out on the east side of my deck with receives morning sun and dappled afternoon shade. Now however they have been spending their days on the west side of the same deck soaking up all the sun they can get. Where I live the afternoon sun doesn’t get too vicious for at least a couple more months.


How are your seedlings doing? Do you have them in cold frames, greenhouses, under grow lights, etc? Or what other methods are you trying? Are they working? What has/hasn’t worked for you in the past? Let me know in the comments below!


6 thoughts on “Seedling Update

  1. Glad you’re having success this year! I used to start my seeds indoors, but since most outdoor sown seeds catch up eventually, I pretty much direct sow. I have slugs and they go after transplants, so that’s another reason I direct sow.


      1. I do buy tomato starts from a local farmer and sometimes parsley. But I’m more of a flower girl anyway. šŸ˜‰ Years ago, when I was younger, we had a large veg. garden and I canned and froze, but haven’t in years as there is just the two of us.

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